Tag: Word cloud Keywords
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Tuyue is a tool that supports online generation of personalized word cloud images. It supports the production of word clouds, keyword cloud maps, word cloud maps, word frequency analysis, etc. Tuyue automatically segments long texts of articles and generates circular word cloud maps by default. Isn’t it beautiful? It can also be transformed into an elliptical WeChat mode.
Long text or URL hot word weight map to be analyzed: Enter the text content of the article or the original address of the article in the text box on the left, click "Analyze and Output Map" in the upper right corner, and the default output graph is the hot word weight map.
Hot word frequency chart of long text or URL to be analyzed: Another visualization mode of Tuyue is "Hot word frequency chart". The steps for making it remain the same. Enter text or URL in the text box on the left. After analyzing the chart, click "Hot word frequency chart" to get the word frequency of the long text. If you want to further analyze, you can click "Export to Excel" to export the specific analysis of word frequency.
TF, hot word frequency indicator
TF indicator is the number of times a word appears in an article. The more times it appears, the more important it is. The output word frequency information is only for reference. The current word segmentation method is to give priority to large words, not small words. For example, "reform" and "reform and opening up" are both words. When counting word frequency, "reform" in "reform and opening up" will not be counted in the word frequency of "reform". They are counted as two different words. The output charts include "hot word frequency chart" and "word frequency bar chart". The graphic mode can be selected by yourself.
Score, hot word weight index
The Score index refers to the importance of a word in the article, which is mainly determined by TF hot word frequency, IDF inverted document frequency, and other three indicators. The output graph has a hot word weight graph, and the graph mode can be selected by yourself.
IDF, "inverted document frequency", indicates the ability of words to distinguish. The weaker the ability of words to distinguish, the weaker the topic representativeness, such as various common words such as "if"; the position factor of the word in the article;
Other, the degree of semantic aggregation of words with other words in the article, etc.
Performance and data description:
The exported EXCEL is sorted by Score hot word weight Z-A by default, which is the TOP150 words. If you want to see the word frequency, users can sort by hot word frequency Z-A in EXCEL.
Comparison of multiple text data: sort the exported EXCEL separately and then compare manually.
Input text format: The text length supports 1 million Chinese characters. The format is plain text. You can select the text you want to analyze from a web page or WORD and copy it to the text box.
Although this domestic word cloud tool still has shortcomings in exporting excel word frequency and customizing graphics, it is still outstanding in automatically segmenting long texts and making word clouds.