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Flipkart online shopping website

Country: India Type: shop

Tag: Electronic Commerce

English Websites: https://www.flipkart.com/ Enter The Website

Flipkart Group is one of India's leading digital commerce entities, with subsidiaries including Flipkart, Myntra, Flipkart Wholesale, Flipkart Health+, Cleartrip, and ANS Commerce.


  • Flipkart Culture

Flipkart culture is committed to cultivating trust, tolerance, support, recognition, and genuine care, enabling Flipsters to create, innovate, and perform at their best in their work

  • Innovation

Flipkart technology is driving groundbreaking, customer-centric innovation, enabling Indian shoppers to purchase high-quality products while making the online shopping experience more convenient, intuitive, and seamless.

  • Sustainable development

The future of e-commerce is sustainable, fair, and inclusive. As we continue to drive change in critical areas of our business, our commitment has been integrated into our vision to create a positive impact for the planet and communities.
