Free HTML5 Page Official Creation Platform - Scene Applications

Free HTML5 Page Official Creation Platform - Scene Applications

Yunlai is an Internet enterprise focusing on digital operation of brand retail. Assist brand chain enterprises in establishing new digital membership technologies, achieving integrated online and offline digital scene operations, directly increasing store numbers, replenishment numbers, and sales performance. Shenzhen Yunlai Network Technology Co., Ltd. (yunlai. cn) focuses on mobile Internet and is the largest mobile scene APP cloud service platform in China, headquartered in Shenzhen. The main business scope includes mobile APP basic products, mobile application product development, mobile advertising business promotion, mobile e-commerce outsourcing operations, etc. Committed to providing customized brand APP services and commercial mobile solutions for high-end customers of medium-sized enterprises, and offering low-cost enterprise mobile applications and precise mobile marketing advertising and operation services based on cloud intelligent technology for small and medium-sized enterprises. Yunlai is a mobile Internet marketing solution provider with an international operation team and professional technology development examples. At present, it has become a mobile Internet enterprise application strategic partner of Tencent, Sina, 3G portal, UCWEB and other mainstream platforms. The core team of the company comes from Tencent, Microsoft, Baidu and the financial investment industry. It has focused on mobile Internet for eight years, and has many years of mobile Internet operation service experience and professional practical operation ability. Yunlai is headquartered in Shenzhen and has branch operation service centers in Guangzhou, Chengdu, Beijing, Changsha, Wuhan, and Jiangsu.

Reading: 103 2019-05-20

China Daily Network - Spread China, Influence the World

China Daily Network - Spread China, Influence the World

中国日报社是中央主要宣传文化单位之一,是中国走向世界、世界了解中国的重要窗口。作为国家英文日报,《中国日报》积极对外宣传阐释习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想,努力在新时代高度讲好中国故事、传播好中国声音,致力于传播中国、影响世界,营造良好国际舆论环境,提升中华文化影响力和增强国家文化软实力。 一、构建全球化、分众化传播网络 中国日报积极推进媒体融合发展与创新,拥有由传统媒体、移动媒体、社交媒体构成的全球化、分众化、多语种、全媒体传播体系,全媒体用户总数超过3.5亿,是国内外高端人士首选的中国英文媒体。 《中国日报》创刊于1981年6月1日,读者主要为各界高端人士、驻华使节、国际组织驻华代表、跨国公司在华高层、媒体从业人员以及来华访问旅游的各国人士等。 《中国日报国际版》创刊于2019年1月2日,国际版网站、客户端及社交媒体账号等同步启动,有效整合了原有美国版、英国版、欧洲版、亚洲版、东南亚版、非洲版、拉美版和加拿大版等多个海外版资源,突出中国立场、国际视野、深度为要、融合传播,倾力打造向世界讲述中国故事、传播中国声音的主渠道和新平台。《中国日报国际版》每周一至周五出版对开16版日报,每周五增出4开32版国际版周末版。在全球33个印点全彩印刷,总期均发行量30万份,覆盖63个国家和地区的高端读者。 《中国日报香港版》创刊于1997年,是香港回归后中央政府唯一特批在港出版的英文报纸,目前已发展为涵盖网站、社交媒体等的多媒体平台。 中国日报社在国内有35个分社、记者站和14个印点,在境外设有亚太分社、欧洲分社、非洲分社和美国分社4个指挥中心,下设记者站、办事机构等。 中国日报旗下的21世纪英文报系,主要面向国内从小学生到高中生的广大英语学习者,已发展成为一家全媒体教育机构,形成了“21世纪英语教育传媒”品牌。 二、完善全媒体、立体化传播矩阵 按照中央关于推进媒体融合发展的战略部署,中国日报顺应传统媒体转型趋势,大力推进全媒体建设,重构新闻采编生产流程,形成全媒体、立体化的现代传播体系,打好报纸深度解读、网络实时发布、移动媒体滚动追踪、社交平台深度互动引导的“组合拳”,已成为国家外宣的重要舆论阵地和境外媒体转载率最高的中国信息源之一。 中国日报网创办于1995年,是国内最早开通网站的国家级媒体,现已成为国家级综合性媒体网站和中国最具影响力的英文网站,为全球网民提供多媒体资讯服务。 在不断加强网站建设的同时,中国日报上线了英文客户端,并致力于在社交媒体平台上提升影响力,包括微博、微信、脸谱和推特等海内外社交媒体平台。截至2020年12月,我报客户端全球下载用户超过3500万,是我国唯一下载量过千万的英文新闻客户端;微博粉丝数超过5900万;微信订阅人数达1100万;脸谱账号粉丝数超过1亿,位居全球媒体账号粉丝数第二位;推特账号粉丝数约435万。 三、搭建国际化、多元化传播渠道 根据分众传播和大国覆盖需要,中国日报与国际权威媒体积极开展供版合作。早在1992年,就曾出版《中国专稿》(《中国观察报》前身),随美国全国报业协会主办的《发行人参考报》发行。目前,《中国观察报》与美国《华盛顿邮报》、《华尔街日报》、《纽约时报》国际版、英国《每日电讯报》、澳大利亚Fairfax集团旗下的《悉尼先驱晨报》、法国《费加罗报》、德国《商报》、西班牙《国家报》、日本《每日新闻》、俄罗斯《俄罗斯报》、泰国《民族报》、印尼《雅加达邮报》、阿根廷UNO报业集团、《El Cronista (商业纪事报)》等20余个国家的30余家权威媒体开展深度合作,以英语、法语、德语、日语、俄语、西班牙语、葡萄牙语7种语言呈现,期均发行500万份,直达世界大国意见领袖和政、商、学界高端读者。 除了供版合作,中国日报还与全球主要媒体开展更为广泛的交流,包括路透社、美联社、法新社、塔斯社、今日俄罗斯通讯社、彭博社、英国广播公司等。 在亚洲地区,中国日报是亚洲新闻联盟(ANN)的核心成员。该联盟由中国、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚、印度尼西亚、韩国、印度等20个国家的24家权威媒体组成。中国日报与ANN媒体成员广泛开展采访合作、稿件共享、人员交流,覆盖亚洲4000万读者。 四、打造立体化、多元化外宣平台 凭借语言和资源优势,中国日报为在我国召开的重要国际会议和活动多次制作出版英文官方会刊。早在1990年,我报就为北京亚运会出版了全彩英文《亚运新闻》。1995年,为第四届世界妇女大会出版英文会刊《世界妇女报》。在2008年奥运会、2010年世博会、2010年广州亚运会、2014年APEC峰会、2016年G20峰会、2017年“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛、2018年中非合作论坛北京峰会、上合组织青岛峰会以及金砖国家领导人会晤、中国国际进口博览会、世界互联网大会、博鳌亚洲论坛、财富论坛等重要会议和活动举办期间,中国日报都出版了高质量的英文会刊,发挥了重要国际传播平台作用,传播效果显著。 中国日报致力于打造中国政务英文网络平台,助力政府信息化建设,承建了部分中央和国家机关的英文网站和客户端平台,包括国务院、最高人民法院、国家外国专家局、国务院发展研究中心等,受到国际主流媒体和海外各界的广泛关注与赞誉。 中国日报为我国数百家政府、机构、国有大中型企业建设了专业化的英文网站,其中包括30多个地方政府专业化、国际化的英文网站,成为其发布权威信息、为海外受众提供定制化资讯服务、开展对外交流合作的重要窗口。 中国日报通过多项品牌活动,积极推动公共外交、促进中外交流,包括新时代大讲堂、中国观察智库论坛、“一带一路”媒体研修班、亚洲领袖圆桌论坛、“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛、TESOL中国大会、“亚洲媒体看中国”系列采访活动等。 ■ 新时代大讲堂 邀请世界一流政、商、学界精英与国内外受众交流,并通过各类传播平台形成广域互动。大讲堂聚焦中国与世界发展热点话题,探寻中国故事的世界意义,把中国智慧、中国方案、中国经验与世界分享。 ■ 中国观察智库论坛 依托报社遍布全球的高端人脉资源和传播渠道,汇聚全球中国问题研究的意见领袖、政治人物和商界精英,举办中国观察智库系列论坛活动,依靠海内外“最强大脑”传播中国价值,影响并引领全球中国问题研究方向。 ■“一带一路”媒体研修班 联合上海外国语大学、对外经济贸易大学等共同举办的“一带一路”媒体研修班,邀请“一带一路”沿线国家媒体资深编辑、记者来华参加研修和交流,助力“一带一路”民心相通。 ■ 亚洲领袖圆桌论坛 面向港澳台地区和亚洲国家政、商、学界领袖和社会精英,聚焦区域重要热点议题的高端对话和交流平台。 ■ “21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛 国内高水平的英语口语竞赛,也是一年一度在伦敦举行的国际英语演讲比赛的中国区选拔赛。 ■“亚洲媒体看中国”系列采访活动 依托与国际主流媒体的良好关系,邀请亚洲及其他地区权威媒体的总编辑、资深记者赴中国开展集体采访活动,促进中国各地与海外的交流与合作。 ■ TESOL中国大会(国际英语教育中国大会) 由中国日报和世界英语教师协会联合发起的英语教学国际学术会议,为广大英语教育工作者搭建权威、专业的学术平台,加强英语教育领域的国际交流与合作。

Reading: 102 2019-03-27

Zhang Ge blog | personal blog focusing on it operation and maintenance technology and Internet

Zhang Ge blog | personal blog focusing on it operation and maintenance technology and Internet

Zhangge blog is a platform for recording work experience and life, and also for giving back knowledge to friends who need it on the network. It mainly covers operating system operation and maintenance, practical script programming, blog website construction and other experience tutorials. Blog tenet: share the most practical experience to the readers who need it most, and hope that every visiting friend can get something. Zhangge blog is a personal blog focusing on the Internet and sharing it operation and maintenance work experience. It is composed of system operation and maintenance, script programming and resource sharing, covering operating system tutorial, operation and maintenance experience, script language and network resources. In 2000, I had the honor to witness a programming operation by one of the best programmers in China at that time, which completely subverted my idea. Let's talk about the achievements of Niu Ren. In one working day, there is basically no overtime work, and the completion of a complex The server side of C / s software uses statistical gadgets to count codes, more than 30000 lines. After a simple test, the software went online the next day and actually ran. Thousands of people visit it every day, and there is no big problem. In addition to the development process, the development environment is VS6.0, and people rarely move the mouse, which probably delays the use of various shortcut keys, which makes people dazzled. The program is basically not written out, but pasted over, rearranged and combined, and then knocked on several statements to supplement and correct it, even if it is successful. The time to finish a program block is basically the same as the time for ordinary people to write a statement. During the whole working process, there is no obvious time for thinking. As long as you don't leave your seat, the sound of the keyboard keeps on. I think the key to the success of niuren is that they use sentence blocks like sentences. The program is not written, but assembled, which results in a huge productivity difference between manual assembly of Rolls Royce and modular assembly of Toyota. I didn't work on the same floor with Niu Ren at that time, so I seldom get in touch with him at ordinary times. Once again, I was eating in the downstairs canteen and sitting at the next table. I heard that Niu Ren told me a story. For many years, no matter where he worked, he had to bring his own hard disk with several gigabytes of previously made programs code base Once, the hard disk suddenly jammed, and the cowherd told his wife, let's go back to our hometown and do something else, but it didn't take too long, and the hard disk itself recovered, so the cowherd finally didn't go back to his hometown. It can be seen that if there is no code base, the ox man will not be ox at once. Blogger Zhang Ge, English name Jager, works in Tencent Technology Engineering Group. At present, he is a Linux operation and maintenance engineer, once a fanatical cfan, commonly known as a computer enthusiast. After buying the first notebook, arrogance II entered the history of computer, often shuttling between the dormitories of the school to solve system problems for young men and girls. It didn't bring me a dime, but I gained rich experience, made many friends and, of course, met my other half. Although blog takes it operation and maintenance as its theme, it is not a professional technology blog like 51CTO. Zhang Ge blog is more inclined to share it integrated blog. "In fact, many of the oldest blogs have very practical experience sharing, but with the continuous development of the Internet, many excellent blogs have rarely appeared in people's vision. The most important thing is that these blogs have been silently updated. If you have similar high-quality bloggers, you may as well submit them to me so that more people can see them! "

Reading: 101 2019-05-20

VIZ | Leading figures in comics, anime, and global entertainment industry

VIZ | Leading figures in comics, anime, and global entertainment industry

VIZ Media is one of the most comprehensive and innovative companies in the fields of manga (graphic novel) publishing, animation, and entertainment licensing in Japan. For over thirty years, VIZ Media has been an international authority on comics, leading the trends of the present, new, and future. VIZ, with a quarter of millennials and half of GenZ manga readers, is at the forefront of popular culture phenomena in the United States and Japan, and now dominates multiple industries from publishing and animation to movies and games. VIZ is proud to be the first destination for American comics and the home of some of the most prestigious anime brands driving industry development. Combined with a market share larger than the sum of household names, VIZ has transformed from a localization company to a market leading pop culture publisher and producer. Ken Sasaki - President and CEO Ken Sasaki guides and supervises the financial and operational issues of VIZ Media, including home entertainment, publishing, licensing, and broadcast entertainment businesses. Sasaki joined the company in February 2008 as Vice President of Strategy and Business Development, having previously served as a management consultant in various industries including high-tech, media, and biopharmaceuticals. Sasaki has paved the way for VIZ Media's digital content distribution strategy and is building relationships with key partners to diversify VIZ's award-winning catalog, acquire licensed properties outside of manga and anime, and develop its own original content. Sasaki spent his childhood in Japan and received education in both Japan and the United States. He holds an MBA degree from Stanford University School of Business and a Bachelor's degree in Engineering from Keio University. Sasaki has worked extensively in Japan and the United States. His understanding of Japanese and American business culture and practices enables him to build bridges, ensure VIZ Media remains at the forefront of the industry, and cultivate the next generation of fans worldwide. Brad Woods - Executive Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer Brad Woods is responsible for marketing, licensing, public relations, and business development for VIZ Media. As an experienced marketing and entertainment executive, Woods joined the company and focused on achieving revenue growth through transformative marketing efforts, new product development, and innovative brand expansion. Woods came to VIZ Media from DreamWorks Animation where he served as Senior Vice President, leading the domestic consumer goods and retail business development department. In this position, he led breakthrough marketing projects including Madagascar, Kung Fu Panda, and How to Train Your Dragon. During his 20-year career, Woods held senior positions in the consumer goods and entertainment industries, including Mattel and Warner Bros. Entertainment. He holds an MBA degree from the Marshall School of Business at the University of Southern California and a Bachelor of Science degree from the University of Arizona. Trevor Stoddar - Executive Vice President and General Counsel Trevor Stordahl leads the legal, corporate services, human resources, and IT departments of VIZ Media. Before joining VIZ Media in 2012, he worked at a law firm representing technology startups, fashion brands, liquor companies, musicians, and filmmakers. Trevor is committed to supporting artists, entrepreneurs, and businesses to protect their intellectual property and expand their audience. Outside of VIZ, he also serves on non-profit committees related to publishing and rock climbing. He has served as an external secretary for the esteemed James Larson and Stuart R. Pollack. He obtained a Juris Doctor degree from the University of California, Hastings and a Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Santa Cruz.

Reading: 99 2019-03-27

TMZ -The famous American gossip news website

TMZ -The famous American gossip news website

Breaking the biggest story of celebrities and entertainment news.Only TMZ can obtain the latest stories, photos and videos exclusively. The term "thirty miles" originated in the 1960s. At that time, due to the growth of outdoor shooting, film companies established the "Thirty Miles" to supervise the rules of shooting in Hollywood.The center of this area is the office of the Association of Film and Television Producer, which used to be in Los Angeles and Los Angeles and Lasne Avenue.TMZ has reshaped 30 miles, and is now the first choice for Internet entertainment news. "TMZ" was launched in 2005. It previously reported the two biggest stories in the entertainment industry: Mel Gillson was arrested after driving and then encountered a law enforcement department, and Michael Richards's fateful laughter factoryTour.TMZ also broke the news of Britney and Kevin Fedland's marriage. TMZ changed the pattern of entertainment news by changing the public's way of getting news.TMZ is often cited by various media. It is one of the most cited sources of entertainment news and is used by the national network and local news collection organizations across the country. In 2006, Time magazine rated TMZ as one of the coolest websites."News Weekly" rated TMZ as "2007 Breakthrough Blog" Harvey Lavin, execute producer Harvey founded TMZ in 2005, and has since been the executive producer of "TMZ.COM".Harvey is a lawyer, a professor of law, a celebrity of the radio, a columnist of the Los Angeles Times, and a reporter from the NBC and CBS Los Angeles Branch.He won nine Emmy awards and many other news awards. Charles Latibidir, executor Charles is the executive producer and editor -in -chief of " and TMZ".Since the launch of the TV version of "TMZ" in 2007, he has been working in the company.Disclaimer, he really likes Pina Cola Das, but hate being rained. Michael Papukak, TMZ Sports Executive Producer Michael is an executive producer of TMZ Sports.He supervised and co -hosted the FS1 TMZ sports TV show.Papukak also contributed TMZ on TV and TMZ live TV show.He has been working in the TMZ Sports Bureau since 2013.Papukak studied at the University of Hall of Setton, New Jersey.

Reading: 94 2019-03-27

Free intelligent DNS resolution service, the best intelligent DNS to date - Intelligent DNS

Free intelligent DNS resolution service, the best intelligent DNS to date - Intelligent DNS

CloudXNS is an intelligent DNS resolution system independently developed by Beijing Kuaiwang, providing diversified and free intelligent DNS resolution services. In the design of response, distribution, storage, and load balancing, Beijing Kuaiwang private DNS protocol is used, while providing micro domain name management, DNS optimization, DNS queries, partition PING (server network detection) and other operation and maintenance tools. Lightning takes effect Using a private incremental DNS update protocol, the resolution configuration lightning is implemented to all nodes worldwide in CloudXNS, with an average time of 0.5 seconds. Accurate positioning Automatically update the global IPv4 spatial IP ownership in real-time, accurate to the operator+prefecture level city in China and accurate to the country overseas; And support edns client subnet feature for parsing by client IP Rich routes The most detailed line division in the entire network, 160 subdivided lines, 37 regional groups, 10 ISP classifications, 4-level line division, 1 group of 60 private lines Private line Supports up to 60 private lines to meet any of your business needs, and also supports importing private lines from templates to avoid the hassle of maintaining line IP libraries Load balancing Adopting private DNS load balancing technology, it subverts tradition and can load balance A records and CNAME records in any proportion. It also supports various types of load balancing based on HTTP redirection and redirection Security protection A cloud based high defense DNS cluster system that supports massive concurrent access, automatically identifies attack patterns, blocks attacks in the first place, and has domain name locking function and account anomaly notification to prevent user configurations from being tampered with by front-end hackers Simple configuration One click addition of email records, four step resolution, supporting web and WeChat domain management Unique 6 types of extended parsing On the basis of annotated DNS support, CloudXNS provides six unique types of AX, CNAMEX, LINK, 301 jump, 302 jump, and implicit jump resolution, which are exceptionally powerful compared to traditional DNS systems Nodes spread all over the world CloudXNS has over 30 DNS service nodes located across major telecom operators in mainland China, as well as in the Asia Pacific, Americas, and Europe, providing you with comprehensive support for domestic and international business development Domain suffix Customized for customers with access to multiple CDN services, easily switch CDN service providers with just one click Forever free The needs of our users are the driving force behind our progress. Thanks to you, we will constantly innovate and promise to provide free intelligent DNS resolution services permanently Open API Provide powerful open APIs and SDK packages for multiple development languages to make integration easier for you

Reading: 94 2019-05-20
