校”培育创建单位。 科研创新基础扎实。拥有“绿色光电子国际联合研究中心”“高能高安全性动力锂离子电池电解液及隔膜材料与制备技术国家地方联合工程研究中心”“教育部人文社科重点研究基地心理应用研究中心”“教育部习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心基地”等国家级科研平台2个、省部级科研平台105个。成立“华南师范大学(清远)科技创新研究院”和“肇庆市华师大光电产业研究院”,拥有一批具有独立知识产权核
Reading: 67 2022-05-02
Kanxue Academy (www.kanxue. com) is a developer community dedicated to PC, mobile, and smart device security research and reverse engineering! Founded in 2000, after more than 20 years of development, it has been widely recognized in the industry and has established a respected professional image in the industry. The platform provides online courses on secur...
Reading: 59 2019-05-20
Syncrypto is an open-source encryption library project dedicated to providing developers with easy-to-use encryption and decryption capabilities. This project was created by GitHub user Liangqing with the aim of providing secure and efficient solutions for applications that require encryption protection. Syncrypto supports multiple encryption algorithms, in...
Reading: 16 2019-03-27