Feijing Sports Data is committed to creating real-time, massive, and reliable sports data API interfaces. We provide sports data API interfaces for football, basketball, esports, tennis, American football, and more, covering over 2 million sports matches. We have been deeply involved in the sports industry for 20 years and have served more than 2000 customer...
Reading: 91 2019-05-20
军事学外的12个门类。在教育部第四轮学科评估中,心理学、教育学、马克思主义理论、体育学等4个学科获评A类学科,其中心理学获评A+。9个学科进入ESI世界前1%,其中化学、材料科学、工程学、数学4个学科进入ESI世界前5‰;物理学入选国家“世界一流学科”建设名单;马克思主义学院获批全国第三批重点马院。 人才引育成效显著。现有专任教师数2598人,其中副高654人,正高685人,拥有国家级人才223名
Reading: 67 2022-05-02