Research on the ways for Chinese people to earn money, work, and start businesses in the United States, providing information on job hunting, part-time jobs, and entrepreneurship, as well as practical and reliable strategies for American lifestyle and consumption. ...
Reading: 375 2019-06-08
机关的英文网站和客户端平台,包括国务院、最高人民法院、国家外国专家局、国务院发展研究中心等,受到国际主流媒体和海外各界的广泛关注与赞誉。 中国日报为我国数百家政府、机构、国有大中型企业建设了专业化的英文网站,其中包括30多个地方政府专业化、国际化的英文网站,成为其发布权威信息、为海外受众提供定制化资讯服务、开展对外交流合作的重要窗口。 中国日报通过多项品牌活动,积极推动公共外交、促进中外交流,包括
Reading: 104 2019-03-27
特支计划入选者45人。 立德树人成绩斐然。现有全日制本科生在校28292人,硕士研究生13012人,博士研究生1437人,博士后在站275人,留学生507人。有国家级一流本科专业建设点28个,省级一流本科专业建设点19个。有国家级一流本科课程28门,省级一流本科课程80门。近五年,获国家级教学成果奖一等奖1项,二等奖4项。是全国唯一同时获评全国创新创业典型经验高校(50强)、全国首批创新创业教育示
Reading: 67 2022-05-02
The Zhiyuan "Enlightenment" artificial intelligence model has continuously set the record of "China's first+world's largest" and achieved international cutting-edge scientific research breakthroughs. In June 2023, Wudao 3.0 will enter a new stage of comprehensive open source. The Enlightenment Model is an active promoter of the transition from the &...
Reading: 31 2023-07-22
APWG (Anti Phishing Working Group) is a global non-profit organization dedicated to researching and addressing cybercrime issues such as phishing. Its members include leading global technology companies, financial institutions, government departments, and industry associations, covering a wide range of fields and regions. The goal of APWG is to protect busin...
Reading: 26 2019-03-26
AmfAR's mission is to end the global AIDS epidemic through innovative research The AIDS Research Foundation is one of the world's leading non-profit organizations, committed to supporting AIDS research, AIDS prevention, treatment education and publicity. Since 1985, amfAR has invested over $635 million in its projects and provided over 3500 grants to...
Reading: 25 2019-03-27
Maizi College focuses on IT vocational online education, providing a series of online IT training services such as product manager, Python development, UI design, web front-end, network operation, embedded, IoT, Android development, iOS development, PHP development, etc. It has launched an online education intelligent learning system to ensure the effectiven...
Reading: 133 2019-05-20
U12 Parenting is a professional leading large-scale parenting platform that focuses on children's growth related to 0-12 years old. ...
Reading: 101 2019-05-20
Mustard Pile Network is a service-oriented media platform dedicated to mining and disseminating industry information. Observe the dynamic development of the entire industry chain upstream and downstream, discover companies and products with innovation and opportunities in the industry, interpret government policies and market changes, and provide timely and ...
Reading: 48 2019-03-27
This website is an educational tool that allows people to have a better understanding of the experiences of platform economy laborers. Gig Station "is established by a team of experts who are enthusiastic about supporting citizens around the world and obtaining the best information about labor conditions. The information presented on this website is based o...
Reading: 43 2019-03-27
Agent Piggy is a platform focusing on children's wealth management education. It is committed to helping parents and educators to cultivate children's financial quotient, allowing children to master wealth management skills from an early age, and establish a correct concept of money.Whether you are a parent or teacher, or an educator who wants to imp...
Reading: 1 2019-03-27