Home>America>tools>OOKLA's Speedtest -Global Broadband Speed ​​Test

OOKLA's Speedtest -Global Broadband Speed ​​Test

Country: America Type: tools

Tag: Speed ​​measurement

English Websites: https://www.speedtest.net/ Enter The Website

OOKLA® Speedtest® is an authoritative method for testing the performance and quality of the Internet connection.After optimization, Speedtest can measure the most advanced modern connection, and provides transparent insight into the factors that affect the connection experience, including bandwidth, delay, coverage, video indicators, etc.Every day, Speedtest users will take the initiative to launch more than 11 million unique tests for them for them.Since its establishment in 2006, Speedtest has been tested more than 50 billion times, unprecedented.

We are committed to making network performance transparent, which is our motivation.Whether it is through the Speedtest application to help our users evaluate their personal connection speed, or release an analysis of the global market conditions and related trends, our team is always committed to providing data to help the Internet provide everyone with better and faster and faster.Serve.

Speedtest can currently be used on the Speedtest.net network, or can also be downloaded on iOS, Android, Macos, Windows, and Apple TV.

Speedtest by Ookla

The company Okla behind Speedtest is a global leader in fixed broadband and mobile network test applications, data and analysis.Due to the large test volume of all SpeedTest platforms, OOKLA has the most comprehensive global Internet performance and accessible analysis.OOKLA transformed these billions of real worlds into important research tools.The company's flagship enterprise product Speedtest Intelligence ® is widely used by ISP, operators, enterprises, universities, and government agencies. They trust OOKLA's commitment to quality and neutrality.

OOKLA is headquartered in Seattle, Washington, and has other offices in Dublin, Ireland.
