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Mixtpanel: Mobile, web, and more product analytics

Country: America Type: tools

Tag: Product Analysis Data Model

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Help the world learn from data with event analytics that everyone can use. Let's build.

People who strive to create and lead change. Whether it's through building new companies, products, services, brands or communities.

Building is deciding that progress is possible

Our vision is to give everyone all the answers they need at their fingertips. When everyone in an organization can see and learn from the impact of their work, they can make better decisions.

Mixtpanel: Mobile, Web and More Product Analytics

At its core, Mixpanel is an event-based data model.

Every event is an interaction with your products and company, and together they can answer nearly any question about what's happening and how things change over time.

Mixtpanel is designed to be an extension of how you see the world - not in columns and rows like a spreadsheet - but in the way people behave. You go to the deli for lunch. Watch a movie in the evening. Order breakfast on your phone. Buy a flight to another country. Swipe left (or right). This makes data easier to analyze and creates a more comprehensive portrait of the experience.

We believe that people who lead change are builders.

It’s creative because it’s collaborative and surprising. We also believe that data alone is not the reason to build something remarkable. In the same way, the best movies are not designed by test audiences, nor are amazing photos taken with the best equipment. We believe in empowering people’s imagination, courage, and desire to create change through tools that help them uncover the truth.
