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Urban Fonts | Treasure Trove of Free Font Downloads

Urban Fonts offers free font downloads. Users can find the latest free fonts, such as Grasping, Intellecta Monograms Random Samples Five, imsogay, etc., as well as paid premium fonts, such as Slate, Futura PT, Frontage Condensed, etc. The website shows examples and related information of various fonts, and users can choose the right font according to their needs.

Download Free Fonts - Urban Fonts

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Fontfabric ™ - We design fonts

We are a team of densely united multi -disciplinary designers. They all love high -quality fonts, calligraphy and lettering. Our customers include well -known global brands, such as Nike, Lidon, Hyundai, CNET, Nestlé, Transavia and the National Football Team.In addition to these commercial success, Fontfabric also regularly organizes seminars and lectures, released free fonts, and cooperates with locals and international people to cultivate a continuous development and vibrant font environment. Fontfabric was founded by SVET Simov in 2008 in Sorfia, Bulgaria. It has an extraordinary advantage and can learn from Glagelite and Siril cultural heritage for more than 1,000 years.Bulgaria is the birthplace of Silier's letters. After the establishment of the Silier letters in the middle of the tenth century, it quickly spread in the region. Today, it has become the sixth largest in the world in the world, with more than 2.5 billion users. In its ten years, Fontfabric has always been a loyal and continuous advocate of the development and integration of Sirir font.From the first day, we have urgently demanded continuous improvement, and we have never forgotten our common root and common past.This kind of professional ethics has reached the top of the best -selling font rankings and transforms Fontfabric into one of the world's most outstanding font casting plants. Principles and Culture Genius will not appear out of thin air.It needs attention, training and training. This is why we really believe in supporting our employees, helping them develop new skills, and to hone and expand their skills they already have.We regularly hold internal seminars or pay for them to participate in seminar or meetings elsewhere.Naturally, this move surpasses our core team because we are seeking to establish a broader dedication, passion and talent community by providing internship and planning activities.

Reading: 45 2024-11-16
