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ING global company website | ING

Country: Holland Type: bank

Tag: Finance

English Websites: https://www.ing.com/web/show Enter The Website

ING is a leading European universal bank. With over 60,000 employees, we serve over 38 million customers, corporate clients and financial institutions in more than 40 countries. Our purpose is to enable people to get ahead in life and business.

Our products include savings, payments, investments, loans and mortgages across most retail markets. For our wholesale banking clients, we offer specialist lending, tailored corporate finance, debt and equity market solutions, sustainable finance solutions, payments and cash management, and trade and treasury services.

ING global company website | ING

Customer experience is what sets us apart and we continuously innovate to improve it. We also partner with other companies to bring disruptive ideas to market faster.

Our shares are listed in Amsterdam (INGA NA, INGA.AS), Brussels and New York (ADRs: ING US, ING.N).

In sustainability, we promote and finance societys transition to a low-carbon future and pioneer innovative forms of financing to support a better world. Sustainability is an integral part of INGs strategy. In the view of Sustainalytics, INGs management of material ESG risks is "strong" (September 2021). In January 2021, ING received an S&P Global Ratings score of 83 (a "strong" ESG assessment score). In December 2020, MSCI raised INGs ESG rating to "AA". ING Group shares are included in the main sustainability and environmental, social and governance (ESG) index products of leading providers STOXX, Morningstar and FTSE Russell.
