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Photos and Images, Vectors, Videos and Audio - Dreamstime

Find the perfect stock photos, images and vectors for your project. Quickly search over 239 million images, including free and public domain images.

Dreamstime is the world's largest stock photography community and a reliable supplier of high-quality digital images at affordable prices. We only include the best images in our database, and we cover a wide range of topics.

Stock Photos & Images, Vectors, Video & Audio - Dreamstime

If you want to download and use our images, you should know:

Our standard license agreement is a royalty-free license, which means you pay once for the media and then you can use the media worldwide in perpetuity, with only some restrictions. This is a one-person license that can only be used by the account owner or its employees for the company's own projects or clients and cannot be transferred to another party. Multiple projects require multiple licenses, and media used by multiple employees needs to be licensed under our Multi-Seat Extended License U-EL. Alternatively, you can choose our corporate account https://www.dreamstime.com/corporate.Royalty-free licensed media can be used on websites, TV shows, TV series, apps, social media posts, educational projects, magazines, newspapers, books or brochures, book covers, flyers, games, and any advertising and promotional material in print or electronic media. This list is not exhaustive. If you have questions or queries, please email support using the contact form. A royalty-free license, which means you pay once for the image and then you can use the image as you wish, with some restrictions. This is a one-person license that can only be used by the account owner or its employees for the company's own projects or clients and cannot be transferred to another party. Royalty-free licensed images can be used on websites, TV shows, educational projects, magazines, newspapers, books or brochures, book covers, flyers, games, and any advertising and promotional material in print or electronic media. This list is not exhaustive. If you have questions or queries, please email support using the contact form.

You may need the additional rights granted by our Extended License for web templates, greeting cards or postcards specially designed for sale, similar print-on-demand services, canvases, t-shirts, mugs, mouse pads or any other item that contains the image in a basic way and is intended to be sold or given away for free. You may also need an Extended License if several employees in your company use the same image.

Purchasing a high-resolution image (purchasing a license) does not transfer copyright. When you use an image, we recommend that you credit the agency and the photographer. You can check our website terms for more information.

Registration and membership are free. To download images, you need to get one of our download plans (credits or subscription) on the "Buy Credits" page
