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The Union of British Journalists (NUJ)

Country: Britain Type: government

Tag: Journalist News

English Websites: https://www.nuj.org.uk/ Enter The Website

For over 100 years, NUJ has been fighting for journalists and the journalism industry. Nowadays, the union is one of the largest independent journalist unions in the world.

NUJ members work in the media, from newspapers, radio, and book publishing to magazines, websites, mobile devices, social media, and public relations agencies. Our members engage in a variety of jobs - from reporting, writing, photography, and editing to design, filming, communication, and presentation.

Regardless of size, you will find that NUJ members work for most media companies in the UK and Ireland.

Trade unions work for their members in independent online news startups or niche book publishers, just as they work for their members in large organized workplaces such as the BBC or The Guardian.

The union also has many members representing non media companies engaged in media work, including public relations personnel, website editors, and social media personnel.


Our members work in various ways, with nearly 54% being employees and over 46% being freelancers.

These numbers include temporary workers or fixed-term contract workers.

Our members include students and retirees who have just started working in the media industry. We provide professional training for those who establish their careers and strive to increase pensions for those who complete their work.

NUJ is committed to enhancing media diversity.

Women make up nearly 40% of our members, with over 7% defining themselves as black, mixed race, or other ethnic minorities, and nearly 2% identifying themselves as disabled.

Between them, the Black Members Committee, Disability Members Committee, and Equality Committee of the union addressed issues of bias and underrepresentation of minority groups, and provided recommendations for the organization and election campaigns of the National League for Nationalities.

NUJ is not affiliated with any political party. The alliance has a cross party parliamentary group in Westminster to promote important issues for journalists and the news industry. In the Republic of Ireland, unions have successfully lobbied successive Irish governments on issues related to the rights of freelancers and professional journalism. Trade unions in Scotland and Wales have successfully negotiated with their respective governments regarding funding for member training.

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