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Yimin Art Museum of South Korea

Country: Korea Type: enterprise

Tag: Fine Arts

English Websites: https://ilmin.org/ Enter The Website


The Yimin Art Museum is located in front of Gwanghwamun Square, a cultural and geographical landmark in Seoul, South Korea. Since its opening in 1996, it has been hosting various exhibitions, believing that artistic practice enriches life. Museums play a crucial role in interpreting current art trends, and as a contemporary art institution that attracts attention from both domestic and international art circles, they have always been active.

The Ilmin Art Museum is committed to expanding the organic communication between art and the public through exploring aesthetic values, engraved in the daily lives of the times and society. Museums collaborate not only in the field of art, but also in different areas such as design, media, and architecture, exploring new possibilities for culture and creating and laying the foundation for sharp contemporary discourse. The publication of Ilmin Visual Culture, the only literature archive and visual culture theory journal in South Korea, is one of the outstanding achievements accumulated by Ilmin Art Museum over the long term.

As a contemporary art platform, the approach of the Ilmin Art Museum is as follows.

Organize exhibitions that reflect current events, openness, and the spirit of the times, and provide related cultural projects such as lectures, seminars, and performances to broaden cultural experiences and understanding.

——Collaborate with artists, scholars, and experts from various fields to contemplate and study the social functions and directions of culture, encourage active public participation, and arrange a dialogue space for creative exchange.

Pursuing new community values and forming an international artistic and cultural network through continuous exchange and cooperation with other cultures.

In addition, the 5th and 6th floors of the Ilmin Art Museum are the location of the news hall, showcasing the century old history of Korean newspapers. Due to the coexistence of these two museums in the same building, it serves as the foundation for studying culture and art, allowing for a retrospective of the past - which has shaped the present - and the development of a futuristic paradigm.

The Ilmin Art Museum will actively absorb the vibrant culture of high-rise buildings, ancient palaces, and the Cheonggye River around the square, and continue to play the role of a progressive cultural producer at the center of Korea.
