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Exposureguide.com -photography skills, skills and tutorials

"ExposureGuide" was established in 2007 and is an excellent resource for photographers at all skill levels.It covers all aspects of composition technology from when choosing a suitable device, to composition technology, and how to take amazing photos.

From portrait, sports to wildlife and natural photography, many themes provide easy -to -understand techniques and digital photography techniques.Our Photoshop tutorial will teach you to enhance the basic and advanced skills of photos, while e -book stores link to more reference materials to further deepen your knowledge.Yes, we provide exposure settings for many photos on the website so that you can learn through examples.

After all, we are Exposureguide, which is the ultimate reference for you to get photography information and resources.100%free.

Attila Kunbeira is the founder and editor of Exposureguide.He is an enthusiastic photographer, a graphic designer, a bedroom DJ and a loyal Mac fan.Attila got his first SLR camera in 2003, a Canon 10D, and he has been fascinated by photography since then.

