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IFLA -International Library Association and Institutional Federation

Country: Holland Type: government

Tag: books

English Websites: https://www.ifla.org/ Enter The Website

The full name of ifla is InternetAl Federation of Library Association and Institutions, that is, the International Library Association and Institutional Federation.It is a joint organization of a global library association and institution. Founded in 1927, it aims to promote the development of global libraries and information services.

IFLA members include library associations, libraries, information centers and related agencies from all over the world.Its mission is to improve the quality and efficiency of global libraries and information services, promote cooperation and exchanges between libraries and information professionals, and represent the interests of libraries and information professionals at the international level.

IFLA achieves its mission through various activities and projects, including international standards and guidelines for formulating libraries and information services, organizing international conferences and seminars, conducting research and publicity activities, providing training and professional development opportunities.It also cooperates with international organizations such as UNESCO to promote the development of libraries and information services globally.

In short, ifla is an important international library and information professional organization. It is committed to promoting the development of global libraries and information services, promoting cooperation and exchanges between libraries and information professionals, and representing the international level.The interests of information professionals.


our vision and mission

A strong and unified global library field, providing motivation for cultural, informed and participating society

Our vision defines the world we strive to create in the future.It provides a reference point for the activities of IFLA and the entire library field, providing everything and inspiration for everything we do.

Inspiration, participation, support and connecting the field of global libraries

Our mission explains how IFLA strives to achieve our vision.It reflects everything IFLA does to support its members and other members. It provides forums and materials, discussions and learning forums, and represents you, and also strive to ensure the long -term sustainability of our Federation.

Our vision, mission, and wider strategy are the results of IFLA's global vision. It involves tens of thousands of voices and disadvantages about the advantages and disadvantages of the library field from more than 190 countries and continents.

core values

In the process of pursuing our vision and mission, ifla strives to show the following core values:

  • Agree with the principles of free acquisition information, thoughts and imagination works and freedom of speech in Article 19 of the "Declaration of Human Rights";
  • Believe in people, communities, and organizations for their society, education, culture, democracy, and economic well -being.
  • I am convinced that providing high -quality libraries and information services can help ensure this acquisition;
  • Promise to promote and attach importance to diversity and tolerance, especially in terms of age, citizenship, disability, ethnic identity, geographical location, language, political philosophy, race, religious belief, gender, sexual orientation, or socioeconomic status.And actively promote relevant policies and practices.