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The Proto Awards: The Oscars of the VR Industry

The Proto Awards

Los Angeles, California: Proto Awards announced today that their next award ceremony will be held in 2022, skipping the 2021 season to evaluate the changing prospects of immersive technology and entertainment; One year later, we will return with an event showcasing the best results of virtual and augmented reality. The prototype was the first award ceremony for immersive technology, and their premiere event was hosted by Thomas Midridge, just after the first season in Silicon Valley.

We have launched Protos to bring light to a few passionate projects. Adam Levin, the executive producer of the prototype, said, "Most of them work in their spare time outside of the day." We have seen those early winners achieve tremendous success in the following years, and we look forward to discovering the next wave of pioneers in 2022 and recognizing the continued innovation and art of our previous winners

The founder of this event is focused on celebrating 2022 to coincide with the release of new hardware at consumer friendly prices and the continued development of immersive technology.

The Proto Awards recognized for the first time some industry breakthrough experiences from companies such as Tilt Brush, Survios, Kite&Lightning, Cloudhead Games, Felix&Paul Studios, Schell Games, WEVR, Steel Crate Games, Google, AltSpaceVR, I-imaginations, Logan Olson, E McNeill, Northway Games, Cirque du Soleil, Radical Games, and more. Usually, recognition from prototypes helps emerging developers and studios showcase their legitimacy in still nascent media. At Proto Awards, we will reward some of the best games and game developers. This time, we provide a monitor for playing Warzone, and you can submit your entry before the 31st of this month to win it.

The annual award ceremony is hosted by comedians with special connections to the technology industry, with the most recent two hosted by Ron Finches and Jonah Ray. In 1929, the first Academy Awards ceremony was held in the historic Blossom Banquet Hall of the Roosevelt Hotel.

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