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Quip | Real time collaboration documents, spreadsheets, and chats embedded in Salesforce, and can transform any business process.

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Tag: cooperation

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Quip is a real-time collaboration document, spreadsheet, and chat embedded in Salesforce, used to transform any business process.

Quip can help sales teams drive business in real-time. Use embedded documents, real-time Salesforce data, and built-in collaboration to rebuild sales processes.

What is Quip?

Quip is the simplest method for Salesforce customer conversion processes, such as customer planning, mutual completion plans, and qualification statements. In Salesforce records, standardize, automate, and embed real-time collaboration documents.

  • Documents promoting practical culture

The Quip document will unify team work and communication, so that you can complete all work in one place.

  • Convert numbers into decision spreadsheets

Embed spreadsheets into documents to provide the data and context necessary for the team to make important decisions.

  • Breaking the information silo through chatting

Simplify workflows with the built-in team chat feature in each document and spreadsheet, as well as chat rooms and 1:1 messaging.
