Home>China>network>Bao'er Material Management System

Bao'er Material Management System

Country: China Type: network

Tag: material management

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Bao'er Material Management System


Function Introduction

Client (Client)

Provide customers with daily access to transaction records, machine inventory, management personnel information, machine and material management, and personnel material requisition permissions.

Management end (Admin)

For system administrators to manage customer accounts, activate machines, query and update machine settings, update machine firmware versions, etc.

Android device multimedia management

The management backend for Android touchscreen machines. Manage the advertisements played by the machine, pictures of listed materials and products, and the running Android program versions.

API Swagger

RESTful API for external calling. Provide interfaces for transaction records, machine inventory, replenishment records, machine information, material information, and personnel information.

System Log Viewer

Query the communication logs between the machine and the server, the last communication time of the machine, and the detailed information of the machine.
