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Advertisements are also moving, find touching and creative advertisements, all in one daily advertisement

Country: China Type: originality

Tag: advertisement

Chinese Websites: http://www.dailyads.cn/ Enter The Website

Find classic advertisements, creative advertisements, public service advertisements, print advertisements, the top ten touching advertisements, classic advertising videos, classic advertising case analysis, public service advertising videos, touching public service advertisements, and the most creative advertisements - Daily One Advertisement. The advertisements here are even more delicious than chicken soup. We search for touching advertisements, classic advertising cases, creative advertisements, public service advertisements, and creative flat squares every day to add bricks and tiles to your advertising creativity.


A person who hasn't done much so far, wants to make something to show people. So, I invited a good friend (Sheng Ge) to do this - a daily advertising blog.

This content management system CMS was written by this good friend alone, and he cannot be liked more. If there is anything that needs to be changed, please provide feedback and it will be resolved quickly. Based on my own optimization experience over the years, I have put forward some requirements and will do my best to help him improve them.

Actually, my initial plan was to create a movie sharing website because since I started college, I have been watching at least three or four movies per week for almost ten years now. But in the end, I didn't do it because

But I managed to create this daily ad because I have seen many great ads, but there are very few in China. So, I first created a blog like this for everyone to find inspiration, or to earn some tears. If it can still influence you, I think it's worth it.

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