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Thunderbird 365 Collaboration - Online Forms

Country: China Type: tools

Tag: Online Excel Online Forms

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Thunderbird 365 Collaboration is a cloud office. Its Thunderbird spreadsheet is a pure web Excel that supports multiple people to edit the spreadsheet online simultaneously. Having 80% of the functions of Excel, it perfectly supports import and export in various formats. And it can also be shared outside the QR code, allowing others to submit data through web pages, WeChat, or apps.


It has been 25 years since Microsoft released Excel 4.0a in 1993. Back then, Excel, with its intuitive and excellent calculation and charting functions, made data manipulation on computers no longer the domain of scientists.

But 25 years later, various data based business systems, form systems, report systems, analysis systems, databases, and so on, have once again made us realize that the use of data has become a kind of "professional skill". We are once again trapped by different systems because each system has different rules and requirements for data format, storage, and usage. We have to learn and use multiple systems, and these systems are not interconnected.

Why has data become increasingly fragmented and difficult for the public to use after 25 years? Excel is based on powerful formulas, conditions, charts, and languages, allowing us to create almost any data system on it. It is a free, open, and on-demand way of using data. We hope that we can use the Internet to reintroduce Excel's pursuit of freedom and openness of data, and give it new value, and finally make the application of data a daily ability that everyone can achieve.

That's why we created Thunderbird 365, a product that has most of the features of Excel and allows for real-time collaboration among multiple people. You can think of Excel+real-time collaboration with multiple people+data uniqueness as Thunderbird 365.
