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Msec service engine

The mass service engine in cluster is an open source framework, which is suitable for the development and operation of distributed back-end services on clusters composed of cheap machines. MS service engine integrates RPC, name discovery service, load balancing, business monitoring, gray level publishing, capacity management, log management and key value storage.


The creation impulse and construction experience of MS service engine come from more than 10 years' operation thinking of QQ background team. It is a complete solution, but it can also be split to use monitoring, key value storage and log cluster.


  1. Distributed service: the access between modules is in the way of RPC. Developers do not need to pay attention to the network and message format, and develop distributed services like writing stand-alone programs.
  2. High service availability: automatic load balancing and fault tolerance, automatic response to single machine failure, local network fluctuation and other conditions, high service availability.
  3. Support multiple languages: support C / C + + / Java / PHP language, which will continue to be rich in the future; if you choose C / C + + language, support co programming, which has both development and operation efficiency.
  4. Web management interface: a web-based management interface, in which all operations such as configuration, publishing, monitoring, logging, key value storage cluster management are completed.
  5. Docker image installation: servers requiring complex deployment are installed in the way of docker image, which makes deployment and start-up very easy.
  6. Systematization: compared with the solutions pieced together by other open source components, the MS service engine is more systematized and the team's specifications are more in place.

The creation impulse and construction experience of MS service engine come from the operation thinking of QQ background team for more than 10 years. It is a complete set of solutions, but it can also be split to use the monitoring and key value storage items. Users can quickly have a set of systematic development and operation framework with the functions of monitoring, name discovery service, load balancing, gray-scale publishing, configuration management, log, kV storage, etc., which is especially suitable for Internet start-ups.
