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China's Khan Academy - Cool Learning

Country: China Type: education

Tag: Graffiti courseware

Chinese Websites: http://www.kuxuexi.com/ Enter The Website

Cool Learning has the largest graffiti courseware library for K12 stage and is an MOOC platform serving 200 million primary and secondary school teachers and students in China.

At present, the content covers all subjects such as mathematics, physics, chemistry, English, biology, Chinese, geography, history, and politics, and the audience covers the entire K12 age group from childhood to junior high school, middle school entrance examination, and college entrance examination. Our goal is to make learning less tedious and more efficient for students, and to make teaching easier and maximize value for teachers. Our Cool Learning app was recommended by Apple as a featured app after its launch in April 2014. Since then, without any marketing promotion, our app has gained 1 million new users within 6 months.

