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Quick WebUI Development - jQuery MiniUI

Country: China Type: tools

Tag: Control library UI frontend

Chinese Websites: http://www.miniui.com/ Enter The Website

JQuery MiniUI - Professional WebUI Control Library. JQuery MiniUI is a front-end Ajax component library implemented in Javascript, supporting all browsers and enabling cross platform development, such as Java Net, PHP, etc.

  • Rapid development

JQuery MiniUI - Professional WebUI Control Library.

It can shorten development time, reduce code volume, enable developers to focus more on business and server-side, easily achieve interface development, and bring excellent user experience.

  • Targeting Enterprises

JQuery MiniUI is committed to reducing the development cost of enterprise applications, with rich UI controls, high stability, powerful scalability, and smooth version upgrade capabilities, which can meet the needs of most business scenarios.

  • Full support

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  • Query MiniUI - Professional WebUI Control Library.

It can shorten development time, reduce code volume, enable developers to focus more on business and server-side, easily achieve interface development, and bring excellent user experience.

Using MiniUI, developers can quickly create typical web application system interfaces such as Ajax refresh free, B/S fast data entry, CRUD, Master Detail, menu toolbar, pop-up panel, layout navigation, data validation, pagination table, tree, and tree table.


  1. Rapid development: Use HTML to configure the interface, reducing 80% of the interface code.

  2. Easy to learn and use: Simple API design that allows for independent and combined use of controls.

  3. Performance optimization: Built in mechanisms such as lazy data loading, low memory overhead, and fast interface layout.

  4. Rich controls: including over 50 controls such as tables, trees, data validation, layout navigation, etc.

  5. Super Table: Provides features such as locked columns, multiple headers, pagination sorting, row filtering, data summarization, cell editing, detailed rows, and Excel export.

  6. Third party compatibility: Seamless integration with any third-party control such as ExtJS, jQuery, YUI, Dojo, etc.

  7. Browser compatibility: Supports IE6+, Firefox, Chrome, etc.

  8. Cross platform support: Supports Java NET, PHP, etc.

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