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React - A JavaScript library for building user interfaces

Country: America Type: education

Tag: react library

Chinese Websites: https://react.docschina.org/ Enter The Website

English Websites: https://reactjs.org/ Enter The Website


  • Declarative form

React makes creating interactive UI easy. Design concise views for each state of your application, so that React can efficiently update and render appropriate components when data changes.

Writing UI in a declarative manner can make your code more reliable and easy to debug.

  • Componentization

Build encapsulated components that manage their own state, and then combine them to form a complex UI.

Due to the fact that component logic is written in JavaScript rather than templates, you can easily pass data in your application while keeping state separate from DOM.

  • One study, write anywhere

No matter what technology stack you are currently using, develop new features by introducing React without rewriting existing code.

React can also use Node for server rendering, or develop native mobile applications using React Native.
