Home>China>large-model>BianQue: Chinese Medical Dialogue Model BianQue

BianQue: Chinese Medical Dialogue Model BianQue

GitHub - scutcyr/BianQue: 中文医疗对话模型扁鹊(BianQue)

BianQue, based on the six characteristics of proactivity, prevention, precision, personalization, co construction and sharing, and self-discipline of active health, has opened up the ProActiveHealthGPT, a large-scale model base for active health in Chinese living spaces, which includes:

BianQue, a life space health model fine tuned with millions of Chinese health dialogue data instructions

SoulChat, a mental health model fine tuned through a combination of Chinese long text instructions and multiple rounds of empathy dialogue data in the field of millions of psychological counseling

We hope that the ProActiveHealthGPT, a large-scale model for active health in living spaces, can help accelerate the research and application of large-scale models in the fields of chronic diseases, psychological counseling, and other active health areas in academia. This project is BianQue, a large-scale model of living space health.
