In 1898, the establishment of the Tibetan Collection Building of Jingshi University was one of the earliest modern new libraries in my country.After the Revolution of 1911, Jingshi University's Library Tower was renamed Peking University Library.For more than a hundred years, Peking University Library has gone through the launch period of the road, the n...
Reading: 88 2019-03-26
The National Library of Korea, established in 1945, is the largest public library in South Korea, housing over 11 million volumes and a variety of digital resources. The library is dedicated to preserving and transmitting Korea's cultural heritage, while also actively promoting international cultural exchange. It features various specialized databases co...
Reading: 16 2019-03-27
向世界讲述中国故事、传播中国声音的主渠道和新平台。《中国日报国际版》每周一至周五出版对开16版日报,每周五增出4开32版国际版周末版。在全球33个印点全彩印刷,总期均发行量30万份,覆盖63个国家和地区的高端读者。 《中国日报香港版》创刊于1997年,是香港回归后中央政府唯一特批在港出版的英文报纸,目前已发展为涵盖网站、社交媒体等的多媒体平台。 中国日报社在国内有35个分社、记者站和14个印点,在
Reading: 104 2019-03-27 是出版社マガジンハウス的网站,提供了丰富多样的杂志和书籍信息。在这里,您可以了解到最新的出版动态、热门杂志的内容介绍以及各种有趣的专题文章。无论是时尚、生活、美食还是文化等领域,都能找到相关的精彩内容。此外,网站还提供了在线购物功能,您可以购买杂志的过刊和订阅服务,方便快捷。快来探索这个充满创意和灵感的世界吧!
Reading: 23 2019-03-27