大会(国际英语教育中国大会) 由中国日报和世界英语教师协会联合发起的英语教学国际学术会议,为广大英语教育工作者搭建权威、专业的学术平台,加强英语教育领域的国际交流与合作。
Reading: 104 2019-03-27
A professional scientific research achievement management tool for college scholars, quickly produce attachment materials, one -step automatic formulation, artificial intelligence filling in form.Professional title evaluation, project declaration, project settlement, fund declaration ... All materials are automatically generated. The academic grid (Acagrid....
Reading: 93 2019-05-20
合作共建“粤港量子物质联合实验室”,成功获批4个省部级高端智库平台。“一带一路”学术交流机制常态化,举办多届东南亚论坛。与柬埔寨发展资源研究院合作申报的澜沧湄公河合作专项基金获批通过。在柬埔寨、缅甸和印尼设立了3个海外研究基地。设立马来西亚研究生教学点。在海外建立了3所孔子学院,其中2所获评“全球先进孔子学院”,孔子学院、孔子课堂及其教学点总数达32个。 立足新发展阶段,学校将坚持和加强党对高校的
Reading: 68 2022-05-02
AMiner was established by the Department of Computer Science and Technology at Tsinghua University, which includes over 320 million academic papers/patents and a technology map of 133 million scholars. It provides scientific and technological intelligence services such as academic search, paper search, recommended subscriptions, paper patents, scholar portra...
Reading: 56 2019-03-27
New York University (NYU) is a world-renowned private research university, founded in 1831 and located in New York City, USA. As one of the top higher education institutions globally, NYU is known for its outstanding academic achievements, diverse campus culture, and extensive international influence. The university comprises multiple colleges and research i...
Reading: 9 2019-03-27
Jinshu Information is a big data service provider focused on enterprise digital transformation construction. It provides a complete set of solutions and product services in the process of customer digital transformation and upgrading. Through artificial intelligence and big data technology, it helps customers quickly complete iterations, achieve cost reducti...
Reading: 35 2019-05-20
与世界上最大的专业内容共享社区一起发现、共享和呈现演示文稿和信息图。 每月有 8000 万专业人士信赖 SlideShare,可以从主题专家那里快速了解任何主题。 Slideshare 成立于 2006 年,其目标是让知识共享变得简单,现已发展成为专业内容的首选目的地。它在 40 个内容类别中上传了超过 2800 万次,是当今世界上访问量最大的网站之一。 为什么使用幻灯片共享
Reading: 27 2019-03-27
ineworld.jp 是出版社マガジンハウス的网站,提供了丰富多样的杂志和书籍信息。在这里,您可以了解到最新的出版动态、热门杂志的内容介绍以及各种有趣的专题文章。无论是时尚、生活、美食还是文化等领域,都能找到相关的精彩内容。此外,网站还提供了在线购物功能,您可以购买杂志的过刊和订阅服务,方便快捷。快来探索这个充满创意和灵感的世界吧!
Reading: 23 2019-03-27
台让车主和租客直接交流,提供更具个性化的服务体验。用户可以通过平台查看车辆的详细信息和其他租客的评价,从而做出明智的选择。Turo 的目标是通过创新的共享模式,简化租车过程,并为用户提供更加经济和便捷的出行方案。 总之,Turo 是一个值得信赖的汽车共享平台,为用户提供了丰富的车辆选择和灵活的租车体验,是解决短期用车需求的理想选择。
Reading: 20 2019-03-27
OutletNote.com provides users with commercial information on hundreds of discount malls and thousands of discount stores in the United States and the United Kingdom. OutletNote.com covers all types of direct sales stores and can help you find the addresses, business hours, and phone numbers of almost all direct sales stores in the United States and the Unite...
Reading: 19 2019-03-27
sit London 是探索伦敦的最佳资源,致力于为游客提供全面的城市指南和实用信息。作为伦敦官方旅游网站,它不仅为游客提供丰富的景点推荐,还包括详细的活动安排、餐饮建议和住宿信息,让每一个到访伦敦的人都能享受一段难忘的旅行经历。无论你是第一次来伦敦还是已经多次造访,这里都能提供新的发现和独特的体验。 在 Visit London 上,你可以轻松找到关于世界著名地标如大本钟、伦敦塔、自然历史博物
Reading: 18 2019-03-27
Easel.ly is a user-friendly online tool that focuses on helping users easily create professional charts and infographics. Whether it's students, teachers, or professionals, Ease.ly provides a rich set of templates and intuitive editing tools, allowing users to present complex data and information in a concise and beautiful way. Easel.ly provides functio...
Reading: 10 2019-03-27