MoPaaS is affiliated with Jiaxing Anshang Yunxin Information Technology Co., Ltd. The company originates from Silicon Valley and is rooted in China. MoPaaS is a leading enterprise cloud platform service provider in China. MoPaaS, as an enterprise continuous innovation platform, provides efficient application continuous delivery, SRE intelligent operation and...
Reading: 187 2019-05-20
的国家级媒体,现已成为国家级综合性媒体网站和中国最具影响力的英文网站,为全球网民提供多媒体资讯服务。 在不断加强网站建设的同时,中国日报上线了英文客户端,并致力于在社交媒体平台上提升影响力,包括微博、微信、脸谱和推特等海内外社交媒体平台。截至2020年12月,我报客户端全球下载用户超过3500万,是我国唯一下载量过千万的英文新闻客户端;微博粉丝数超过5900万;微信订阅人数达1100万;脸谱账号粉
Reading: 104 2019-03-27
Thoughtful Doctor is a mobile app developed by Zhongkang Shangde Health Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. based on vertical social interaction for doctor-patient communication. It is based on familiarity and trust and serves as a follow-up tool for doctors. Thoughtful doctors have become the most accurate doctor-patient matching platform in China through compre...
Reading: 100 2019-05-20
The listed company is committed to providing efficient and convenient personnel related services for large, medium, small and micro enterprises and individuals through the Internet, providing enterprises with social security agency, social security trusteeship, flexible employment, payroll, industrial and commercial finance and taxation and other personnel s...
end to learn and grow together. - “最美UI”提供初级ui设计师学ui是什么开始,从ui界面设计, ui交互设计等ui设计教程全面进行ui培训指导,提供ui,ui设计,ui教程,ui培训,ui设计培训,appInterface design appreciation, UI interface design, APP icon, design tutorial a
Reading: 53 2019-05-20
UBS is a global company that provides financial services in over 50 regions. UBS, the world's largest and only truly global wealth management institution, provides financial advisory solutions to individual, institutional, and corporate clients around the world, as well as private clients in Switzerland. Headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, UBS operate...
Reading: 52 2019-03-27
TRA 一直致力于帮助韩国企业拓展国际市场,并吸引外资进入韩国市场。KOTRA 提供广泛的服务,包括市场调研、贸易咨询、投资促进以及国际合作项目的协调。该机构在全球设有多个贸易中心,帮助企业在不同市场进行业务拓展,提供从初期市场分析到具体业务对接的全方位支持。KOTRA 还通过举办各种国际展览会、商务洽谈会和贸易任务,为企业创造直接与全球客户和合作伙伴交流的机会。通过KOTRA的支持,韩国企业能够
Reading: 38 2019-03-27
Hays is a global headhunting and recruitment consulting firm. Intended to provide mid to high end talent recruitment services for enterprises. Hays recruitment covers positions in various fields such as information technology, digital technology, life sciences, human resources, financial accounting, and supply chain. At Hays Hays, we are committed to develop...
Reading: 37 2019-03-27
访问量最大的网站之一。 为什么使用幻灯片共享? 学得更快、更聪明 从顶级专家提供的简明、精彩的内容中快速积累您的知识。您无需滚动浏览文本页面,而是可以翻阅 SlideShare 幻灯片并在短时间内吸收相同的信息。
Reading: 27 2019-03-27
己的创意转化为现实,制作出个性化的产品,满足从家庭装饰到个人服装等各种需求。平台提供了丰富的设计选项和高质量的打印服务,让每一个创意都能得到完美呈现。 无论你是专业设计师还是创意爱好者,Spoonflower 都为你提供了一个实现设计梦想的舞台。用户可以通过平台的设计工具上传自己的图案,选择面料或家居用品类型,然后下单制作。平台还定期举办设计比赛和主题活动,为用户提供更多展示才华和获取灵感的机会
Reading: 23 2019-03-27 是出版社マガジンハウス的网站,提供了丰富多样的杂志和书籍信息。在这里,您可以了解到最新的出版动态、热门杂志的内容介绍以及各种有趣的专题文章。无论是时尚、生活、美食还是文化等领域,都能找到相关的精彩内容。此外,网站还提供了在线购物功能,您可以购买杂志的过刊和订阅服务,方便快捷。快来探索这个充满创意和灵感的世界吧!
Reading: 22 2019-03-27