论坛 依托报社遍布全球的高端人脉资源和传播渠道,汇聚全球中国问题研究的意见领袖、政治人物和商界精英,举办中国观察智库系列论坛活动,依靠海内外“最强大脑”传播中国价值,影响并引领全球中国问题研究方向。 ■“一带一路”媒体研修班 联合上海外国语大学、对外经济贸易大学等共同举办的“一带一路”媒体研修班,邀请“一带一路”沿线国家媒体资深编辑、记者来华参加研修和交流,助力“一带一路”民心相通。 ■ 亚洲领袖
Reading: 104 2019-03-27
Reading: 68 2022-05-02
Haizhi BDP online data chart making tool, free of charge, no download, no programming, dragging can quickly generate and produce data charts, simple and easy to use. Large data real-time visualization, word clouds, GIS maps and other dozens of dynamic visualization charts you choose. BDP can help you get through all the data workflow and reduce the time of m...
Reading: 552 2019-05-20
The mission of No IP is to create secure, reliable and powerful solutions that customers around the world can use to connect, manage and interact with Internet devices. We are committed to providing customers with simple, intuitive, and engaging solutions. No IP has a powerful Anycast network that spans the globe with over 100 points of presence, ensuring th...
Reading: 747 2019-05-20
Wancai Brain Map Master, a software under Guangzhou Wancai Information Technology Co., Ltd., is a scalable 3D mind map production software with complete functions and diverse styles. Multimedia elements can be freely added to easily create cool and creative dynamic mind maps. In addition to being used for personal use, it can also be used for work demonstrat...
Reading: 154 2019-05-20
VisuAlgo was originally conceived by Associate Professor Steven Halim in 2011, with the aim of promoting students' deeper understanding of data structures and algorithms by providing a self paced interactive learning platform Using it as a tool to help students better understand data structures and algorithms, enabling them to independently learn basic ...
Reading: 52 2019-05-20
DDproperty is the leading real estate portal of Thailand to provide buyers, sellers and tenants with comprehensive real estate information and market insights.Whether you are looking for your dreams or hoping to invest in real estate, DDproperty can provide you with the latest housing information, market trend analysis and expert suggestions.The listings on ...
Reading: 23 2019-03-27