大脑”传播中国价值,影响并引领全球中国问题研究方向。 ■“一带一路”媒体研修班 联合上海外国语大学、对外经济贸易大学等共同举办的“一带一路”媒体研修班,邀请“一带一路”沿线国家媒体资深编辑、记者来华参加研修和交流,助力“一带一路”民心相通。 ■ 亚洲领袖圆桌论坛 面向港澳台地区和亚洲国家政、商、学界领袖和社会精英,聚焦区域重要热点议题的高端对话和交流平台。 ■ “21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛 国内
Reading: 104 2019-03-27
批“全国党建工作示范高校”培育创建单位。 科研创新基础扎实。拥有“绿色光电子国际联合研究中心”“高能高安全性动力锂离子电池电解液及隔膜材料与制备技术国家地方联合工程研究中心”“教育部人文社科重点研究基地心理应用研究中心”“教育部习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想研究中心基地”等国家级科研平台2个、省部级科研平台105个。成立“华南师范大学(清远)科技创新研究院”和“肇庆市华师大光电产业研究院”,拥有
Reading: 68 2022-05-02
UnitedHealth Group is a diversified health and wellness company founded in 1974, headquartered in Minnetonka, Minnesota, USA, with 75000 employees. The company is committed to improving the overall health and well-being of the people and their communities it serves, and enhancing the effectiveness of the healthcare system. United Health Group helps people li...
Reading: 66 2019-03-27
Let's explore the office. Our goal is to delve into the behind the scenes of your favorite startup companies, discovering where they are and how they operate. We are the best place to satisfy your fascination with secret offices. We love office design. It's that simple. You can say that we have office fetishism, it's no secret anymore. You see m...
Reading: 34 2019-03-27
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is one of the United Nations agencies headquartered in New York, USA. It is the world's largest multilateral organization responsible for providing technical assistance. The work of UNDP is to provide technical advice, train talents, and provide equipment to developing countries, especially to assist the le...
Reading: 30 2019-03-27
The Greek Football Federation (EPO) is the core institution of Greek football and is committed to promoting and developing football in the country.As the manager of Greek football, EPO is responsible for organizing and coordinating football events at all levels, including national teams and domestic leagues.EPO not only pays attention to the development of p...
Reading: 24 2019-03-27
Hawaiian Airlines is a major airline in the state of Hawaii, USA, known for providing comfortable flying experiences and unique tropical vibes. Since its establishment in 1929, Hawaiian Airlines has continuously expanded its route network, committed to providing convenient, safe, and efficient flight services for global passengers. As the "Sky Ambassador" o...
Reading: 8 2019-03-27