SoulChat, a large model for mental health dialogue in the Chinese field Contribute to scutcyr/SoulChat development by creating an account on GitHub. SoulChat, based on the six characteristics of proactivity, prevention, precision, personalization, co construction and sharing, and self-discipline of active health, has opened up the ProActiveHealthGPT, a larg...
Reading: 195 2023-07-23
BianQue, based on the six characteristics of proactivity, prevention, precision, personalization, co construction and sharing, and self-discipline of active health, has opened up the ProActiveHealthGPT, a large-scale model base for active health in Chinese living spaces, which includes: BianQue, a life space health model fine tuned with millions of Chinese ...
Reading: 116 2023-07-23
面向港澳台地区和亚洲国家政、商、学界领袖和社会精英,聚焦区域重要热点议题的高端对话和交流平台。 ■ “21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛 国内高水平的英语口语竞赛,也是一年一度在伦敦举行的国际英语演讲比赛的中国区选拔赛。 ■“亚洲媒体看中国”系列采访活动 依托与国际主流媒体的良好关系,邀请亚洲及其他地区权威媒体的总编辑、资深记者赴中国开展集体采访活动,促进中国各地与海外的交流与合作。 ■ TESOL中
Reading: 102 2019-03-27
The goal of this project is to promote the development of the open source community for Chinese dialogue big models, with the vision of becoming an LLM Engine that can help everyone. Compared to how to do well in pre training of large language models, BELLE focuses more on how to help everyone obtain their own language model with the best possible instructi...
Reading: 54 2023-07-22