成的全球化、分众化、多语种、全媒体传播体系,全媒体用户总数超过3.5亿,是国内外高端人士首选的中国英文媒体。 《中国日报》创刊于1981年6月1日,读者主要为各界高端人士、驻华使节、国际组织驻华代表、跨国公司在华高层、媒体从业人员以及来华访问旅游的各国人士等。 《中国日报国际版》创刊于2019年1月2日,国际版网站、客户端及社交媒体账号等同步启动,有效整合了原有美国版、英国版、欧洲版、亚洲版、东南
Reading: 104 2019-03-27
Thoughtful Doctor is a mobile app developed by Zhongkang Shangde Health Management (Beijing) Co., Ltd. based on vertical social interaction for doctor-patient communication. It is based on familiarity and trust and serves as a follow-up tool for doctors. Thoughtful doctors have become the most accurate doctor-patient matching platform in China through compre...
Reading: 100 2019-05-20
实验国际合作组,与香港大学合作共建“粤港量子物质联合实验室”,成功获批4个省部级高端智库平台。“一带一路”学术交流机制常态化,举办多届东南亚论坛。与柬埔寨发展资源研究院合作申报的澜沧湄公河合作专项基金获批通过。在柬埔寨、缅甸和印尼设立了3个海外研究基地。设立马来西亚研究生教学点。在海外建立了3所孔子学院,其中2所获评“全球先进孔子学院”,孔子学院、孔子课堂及其教学点总数达32个。 立足新发展阶段,
Reading: 68 2022-05-02
Hays is a global headhunting and recruitment consulting firm. Intended to provide mid to high end talent recruitment services for enterprises. Hays recruitment covers positions in various fields such as information technology, digital technology, life sciences, human resources, financial accounting, and supply chain. At Hays Hays, we are committed to develop...
Reading: 37 2019-03-27