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RTINGS.com - Find the best product that suits your needs based on our reviews, ratings, and suggestions

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Tag: evaluating

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The goal of RTINGS is to help you find the most suitable product for purchase. This means providing suggestions directly based on in-depth and data-driven comments.

We purchase products, test them, and then recommend the most suitable products for purchase. We will place all the products under review on the same testing platform, so they can be easily compared.

All of our ratings are automatically calculated based on our test measurements. You can learn how our testing bench and scoring system work here. Click next to the results to find the formula used for rating calculation. We spend a lot of time comparing products side by side to validate our results. All of our testing methods are also available on our website, so you can confirm the results yourself.

We will keep the products we review until they are discontinued, so we can constantly return and compare them to ensure that our reviews are still accurate.

How do we make money and how do you support us

There are no advertisements on our website because we want to maintain fairness (for example, some other review websites have advertisements from Samsung). On the contrary, we only make money in two ways:

Get your support through the internal program here, which allows you to access additional features.

If you purchase something we recommend (such as this) through the retailer link on our website. In this way, we are aligned with your goal: to find the best product for your needs. Learn more about these links.

Where do the products we review come from

Unlike most websites, we do not directly obtain our review units from manufacturers. Instead, we purchase them from Amazon.com and other retailers and keep them until they are discontinued, then resell them for local use. This means that our unit is not carefully selected by the manufacturer, but represents the products you have purchased on your own.

How do you handle the product after completing the testing

We purchase all the reviewed products ourselves and have them retested through firmware changes or test bench updates. Once the product is no longer useful (such as discontinued or unpopular), we will resell it locally to the reviewing unit in Montreal, Canada.

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