Home>China>network>Bug management delbug - simple, easy to use, professional bug management, bug management tools, bug management system

Bug management delbug - simple, easy to use, professional bug management, bug management tools, bug management system

Country: China Type: network

Tag: Defect management bug

Chinese Websites: http://www.delbug.cn/ Enter The Website

Delbug is an extremely simple defect management tool. Our goal is to make a convenient, simple and easy-to-use bug management tool


Delbug features:

  1. Video recording: change the traditional bug recording mode to make it more intuitive;
  2. Pictures: copy the screenshots directly to improve the efficiency of traditional screenshots;
  3. Form: user defined fields and layout, more concise;
  4. Platform: multi platform support, IOS, adnroid, window, MAC;
  5. Data: support multi platform data import, more intimate;
  6. Deployment: maintain online deployment and support local deployment.

Delbug can improve the way programmers work. It can easily create a project in the cloud without any download, invite members, and immediately start managing bugs in your project. Similarly, you can be added to other teams.
