Home>America>tools>Online collaborative platform, supporting multiple people to share files and version control - Penflip

Online collaborative platform, supporting multiple people to share files and version control - Penflip

Penflip is a tool that focuses on writing and incorporates practical features such as multi person collaboration and version control, providing a reliable and effective solution for collaborative editing of files.

Penflip can be used on general browsers, smartphones, or tablets. After registering an account, you can write, format, or manage articles from the browser, link and share files, and send them to your friends or other collaborators. Each collaborator can add or remove content in their own version. Ultimately, it is up to the reviewer to review and decide which versions to accept.

  • Write it

Focus on using our minimalist discount editor to write, or work offline with your favorite text editor.

  • Collaboration

Send link to collect feedback - no downloads available. Built in easy version control and revision history.

  • Publish

Simply click to download beautifully formatted e-books. Compile into PDF, ePub, HTML, etc.

