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D3.js - Data-Driven Documents

Country: America Type: framework

Tag: d3.js visualization

Chinese Websites: https://www.d3js.org.cn/ Enter The Website

English Websites: https://d3js.org/ Enter The Website


D3js is a JavaScript library that can manipulate documents based on data. It can help you display data using HTML, CSS, SVG, and Canvas. D3 follows existing web standards and can run independently in modern browsers without the need for any other frameworks. It combines powerful visualization components to drive DOM operations.

D3 can bind data to DOM and calculate the corresponding DOM property values based on the data. For example, you can generate a table based on a set of data. Alternatively, an SVG graphic that can transition and interact can be generated.

D3 is not a framework, so there are no operational limitations. The advantage of not being limited by frameworks is that you can express data completely according to your own wishes, rather than being restricted by rules and regulations, which is very flexible. D3 has a fast running speed and supports large datasets, dynamic interactions, and animations.

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