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25:00 - Time to focus!

Country: America Type: tools

Tag: Pomodoro Technique

English Websites: https://clock.ittools.cc/ Enter The Website

How to use the Pomodoro Technique?

  • List your tasks: Write down the work, school, or personal tasks you need to complete.

  • Estimate Pomodoros for each task: Forecast how many 25-minute Pomodoros you will need for each task.

  • Select tasks: Prioritize and start with the most important or challenging tasks.

  • Set Pomodoro Timer: Use a 25-minute timer to work exclusively on the selected task.

  • Work until the timer goes off: Focus on the task until the timer goes off.

  • Take a short break: When the timer goes off, relax or stretch for 5 minutes.

  • Repeat the cycle: Start another 25-minute work interval on the same task.

  • Take a longer break: After four Pomodoros (about 2 hours), take a 15-30 minute break.

  • Track progress: Record the number of Pomodoros you have completed for each task.

  • Adjust as needed: Update the Pomodoro estimate based on the actual time you completed the task.

25:00 - Time to focus!
