Country: Luxembourg Type: enterprise
Tag: DNS Domain name registration
English Websites: Enter The Website
Since 2002, we have been managing domain registration for our clients. As a domain name registrar recognized by ICANN, we have the right to directly register your domain name with domain name registration agencies around the world.
Since its opening, we have established strong relationships with hundreds of registered institutions around the world and collaborated with thousands of excellent clients.
We do not believe in outsourcing customer relationships to call centers. Our approachable team of domain experts is proficient in multiple languages and knowledgeable. If it weren't for them, we wouldn't have been able to offer one of the world's largest domain name choices Classic DNS、 Provide dedicated account managers for each customer, free Alpha SSL certificates for each domain, and more.
We are active participants in the domain name industry and the International Trademark Association, and regularly attend ICANN meetings; Assist in formulating future domain name policies and better representing our clients. You can find industry news, domain tips, and more information on our blog.
EuroDNS, headquartered in Luxembourg, is honored to be part of the namespace group.
Reading: 101 2024-11-16